Different impact companies need different kinds of financing over the course of the capital continuum, main conclusion from the Fi Gathering Madrid
· The gathering has inspired asset owners toward impact investing and the opportunities existing in this sector.
· One hundred investors attending the event received training on financial vehicles and strategies aimed at supporting initiatives that might generate a positive impact on society.
· Fi Gathering Madrid is one part in a series of events organized by Social Nest Foundation for the purpose of community-building among investors within specific ecosystems in Europe and emerging markets.
Madrid, November 22, 2022 - The event on impact investing, Fi Gathering Madrid, has held its first edition in Spain in the IE Tower - IE University. Organized by Social Nest Foundation, the global platform with over a decade of experience promoting, guiding and supporting entrepreneurs and impact investors, the Impact Bridge-IE Chair in Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing and the IE Center for Families in Business, the gathering inspired asset owners toward impact investing and the opportunities existing in this sector.
In addition to bringing a hundred investors into contact with national and international investment opportunities, the event also trained family offices, wealth advisors and high net worth individuals about financial vehicles and strategies that support initiatives aimed at generating a positive impact on society.
Margarita Albors, founder and president of Social Nest Foundation, inaugurated the Fi Gathering Madrid, which she described as “an opportunity to mobilize impact-generating capital”, while also noting that “society needs new solutions, new tools to meet the challenges ahead, though it also requires new ways of supporting those solutions”.
The day kicked off with Rachida Justo, professor of business management and social entrepreneurship at IE Business School, who stated the purpose of the "Fi Gathering is to mobilize the power of investment to change social problems together and to discover new investment opportunities".
Then, Alejandro Álvarez, co-founder and board member of Latimpacto; Arturo Benito, CEO of Impact Bridge Asset Management, and Margarita Albors took part in a panel discussion where they agreed on the need to invest in early stages in many sectors, such as healthcare and the environment, and on the importance of having a global vision in order to try and solve global problems. They also stressed how important it is to generate ecosystems and partnerships in which all parties seek a common goal. The founder and CEO of Social Nest Foundation, which is, in turn, a partner of Zubi Capital, stated that "together with Zubi Capital, we are working on an investment project for early-stage tech solutions regarding health and well-being, with a special focus on solutions for improving the lives of patients with Type 1 diabetes".
The next round table of the day focused on the various financial vehicles that fill gaps in the capital continuum, featuring Virgilio Barco, managing partner of Alive; Tim Radyi, founder of AlphaMundi; Filip Wadovski, national manager in Poland of NESsT, and Nico Blaauw, director of investor relations at GoodWell Investments.
Lastly, Iker Marcaide, founder and executive chairman of Zubi Group; Roberta Bosurgi, CEO of EVPA; Omar Ynzenga, president of Borealis, and Claudia Coppenolle, board member of The ImPact, discussed how family offices approach impact investing, highlighting the key role philanthropy plays in a sector like social and environmental impact investing.
Marta del Castillo, CEO of Social Nest Foundation, closed out the meeting with a lively networking session, which the owners of impact assets and funds participated in.
Fi Gathering Madrid is one part in a series of face-to-face events aimed at building a community around specific ecosystems in Europe and emerging markets, with specific approaches targeting different investor profiles. The first of these meetings took place in June in Amsterdam and the second on October 31 in Lisbon.